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Arcus Chroma, but 50% off!

A sale hosted by GxGrainSon
Buy for 50% off!
This sale ended 2021-09-29T22:00:00Z.

Ever though: "hey, i really want to try Arcus Chroma"? Welp, heres the right moment to het it.

Archus Chroma is a colourful 2d fighting game with unique, unorthodox character design. With amazing backgrounds done by @SchipTimmer and incredible background music by@modalmodule & @SaviorBlue. Based off off the same core mechanics as Hyper Hitboxing, 

This game has no jumping but brings a lot more interesting new mechanics to the table. Express yourself through its freeform combo system.

Currently still in development.

Don't forget to follow the development of Arcus Chroma on my twitter page @GxGrainSon.

If you're interested in joining the community you can click the following link to join the discord server:

2D fighting game with Colorful Characters, Juggle Combos and Cool Supers