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Anti-Sisyphus Bundle

A bundle hosted by Spear Witch
Buy everything for $10.00! Regularly $27.00 Save 62%!
This sale ended 2020-06-24T04:59:59Z.

A Low-Water Mark in RPG Publishing!

What is Anti-Sisyphus? How the hell should I know? It's a zine, I guess, but its short as hell. Like one sheet of paper folded in half short (hamburger style). I think the kids are calling them "zinis"?

What's in there, anyway? Probably like a couple of mechanisms or small systems for your old school fantasy role-playing game of choice. It's hard to say for sure. There's probably an editorial, as well.

An editorial? In a one-page zine? Yes, I have a writing degree, and I plan to make use of it. I'm sorry for providing such amazing value for your hard-earned dollar.

But like, is it good? Is it useful? Let me be perfectly clear: in no way is Anti-Sisyphus either of those things.

Includes the following items:

An occasional zine for your old-school role-playing needs.
The second issue of an occasional zine for your old-school role-playing needs.
The third issue of an occasional zine for your old-school role-playing "needs."
The fourth issue of your favorite RPG zini, featuring an infinite hex crawl.
A small thank-you to the readers, and a loving "Fuck off" to Gary Gygax.
The fifth issue, and the first written by the world's first influencer, Protagoras.
Six issues in, but the first by Antiphon the Sophist.
Seven issues, still useless. This one's a questionnaire?
Including an entire game that could be played.
A brand new supplement for an old-hat zini.
A practical guide for OSR designers, and a useless road map for pundits.