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A member registered Oct 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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So glad you are having a good time with it! 

I'm glad you had some fun with it! 

I find myself bouncing around a lot. I'm trying to figure out what I like, and what my audience seems to resonate with. Game development is kinda new still for me and I like the flexibility! 
I do have a whole design document for this game and I want to return at some point with some fresh ideas. 

Yeah absolutely if the opportunity comes up. Might be a bit though!

I do need to redo the audio UX. I feel they could be more streamlined and take up less space. 

It's pretty janky but you can actually open up the game on phone browsers if you full screen it. I use a Samsung galaxy s21 (latest android update) and it works. Not sure about phone compatibility generally, though! Some people get it to work if they put it in landscape mode before clicking on the start button.
I unfortunately can't make a standalone application because these games aren't acceptable by the TOS of google play or the ios store. 

I'm currently in the final stages of working on one, and I've got another mostly planned and drawn out!

Oh it's VERY on purpose. He's a good bean and I really appreciated his financial support on such an experimental project. 

Kihijo is currently planned! I might bring back more cast members from BtSP since they seem so popular.

I want to keep innovating with the game with each release. I don't want any of them to play too similarly to another. 

Mmhm, several glitches are just due to sorta faulty flags. The game asks for information in a way that leaves gaps, and those gaps become glitches if the game state is juuuuust right. It can be cleaned up easily if I go searching.

How strange. That didn't come up in my tests. I'll fix that in the next release. 

It takes forever to implement new scenes, but I've not been at it too long yet! I hope to do lots more.

Oh shoot, can you tell me what happens when you try? 

Thank you!

Glad you like it!

It somewhat works on mobile already but I'm going to put some energy into making a better compatibility mode. 


My plan is to add some choose-your-own adventure elements to the game so that these vore scenes would act more like endings. Escaping would be less likely but that's something I'd like to implement in the future. 

I let them write a lot of their own dialog, I just did some small edits! 

I'm glad you like so much of my work haha. I'm going to keep creating things. I just sometimes take a while to bring all my ideas and ambition to the table. If I return to projects it'll likely be far into the future when I want to completely rethink some of my favorite characters and ideas. 

For whatever reason it bothers me less to put that kind of thing in a game context, probably due to the implicit consent of going for that ending. I'll still never include more cruel or dark themes in my work other than just a painless non-canon absorption process. 

I'm probably going to use this project only for vore, and let people collaborate with me on the designs and elements of each entry I produce. If those people are interested I'd like to have some variety in mechanics, themes, and scale.  

Thanks for the feedback! Audio is definitely something I need to put more care into. Finding strong vore foley is trickier than expected.

I'm glad you liked this first version! Hopefully, you'll like the future additions.

An idea I have been playing with is a small text-based choose-your-own-adventure style game. You would basically treat it like a menu, deciding which situation you'd want to get into by navigating through options. That would give some context and let ya explore.

I hope to add more people to this system but development is quite slow, I'll likely keep it a commission option and put in my own cast of characters if I see a lot of support and positive feedback. 

Thanks for the feedback! I think those would be perfectly good changes for the next release.
We've been discussing doing more for Luther, but more than likely we'll introduce a different character and scenario to try out.

Monchin Merger is pretty fun to develop. I've got a secret collaboration game coming up, but aside from that I'm trying to put most of my focus toward developing this one! I'd consider it my current flagship. 

Hey I'm glad you resonated some with the game. I'm not done making things and even though this game is off my plate right now, hopefully some of my coming work will scratch the same itch!

Hm, are you downloading the version for windows? I built the WebGL one intending it only to play in browser. 

I'm hoping to add more in the next version!

I'm kinda shocked about that too. I removed a lot of computer-based shaders and redid some graphics and it just happened to work fine! 

I learned a lot from previous projects! I hope to make little nods to past things I've done, use the best of what I've figured out, but I'd say that this new project will have more of its own identity and direction. 

You put a demon in your little side bar by dragging it in, then you move it from that side bar storage onto the grey square next to the quest! It's a bit clunky but I prefer it to a click-based system because it has less room for misinterpretation.

Mmwelll yknowwwwww.

Huh. That's really interesting. I knew about that bug but thought I fixed it a few weeks ago. I'll test that a bit harder and get it sorted out, thanks! 

Yeah I wanted to do a game that was a bit more than a VN but not a massive undertaking! I've got a lot of ideas on the way so stay tuned. 

Thank you!

Glad you had a lil fun with it!
A big reason I landed on this type of game after a year and a half or so of experimenting is that it's so easy to envison new mechanics and systems! I'll do my best to keep adding fun new stuff. 

Hm. I actually don't know why that's happening for you. My best guess is that for some reason itchio's servers are funking, or your browser isn't compatible with it. You may also be getting blocked by your vpn/firewall. Lots of potential causes. The game is still live for me and many other folks, though.
What kind of computer are you running it on? The game does run on phones so you may try using a different device and seeing if you get the same results.

Hey I'm glad you had a lil fun with it! It's tough to make a merge game without afk idle or microtransaction mechanics, but I'm not gonna do either of those.
Hope you'll enjoy future updates!