is it on purpose? cleanse flame relic now also removes poisen, weak and all the other negative buffs on the enemys. I know the description of the relic say so, but i think a build for example with club (one weak per hit) is usesless if you have this relic, cause you instant remove it. but at all i kinda love the surprise update :)
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Maybee I unterstand you wrong, but as you can see in the screenshot above on the right, after one hit, the dagger did not buff itself (no belt of knive) - or did I unterstand you wrong?
Atm its like this (floor 99, before Boss, cleaver just for fun I guess :p) 2nd Dagger was changed with Club before the Cleaver came in place (i know, there are not necessary, but they use belt of knive more effectivly (in my opinion) - at least atm :p
Thanks for explanation, I'll unterstand the "loop-chain-problem" :) So is this a bug with the nerf or it is on purpose?
And if on purpose, is there a way, i can rearange my invetory to avoid this?
I still will get one more range, with the next forge, if I this lucky. But until than I've need to kill the Big Ones as fast as I can :)
Edit: atm I counter it with a Club and Belt of Knives, which increase the Dmg per Round, but I'd try to play this round with Solo-Dagger (Floor 91 atm) :)
Maybe a Bug with Shield Spirit?
I'm not sure right now. But after each use of my middle Hercule Shield (4x Haste) the max. Dmg for the Assassins Dagger gets lower than before the Hit (in this screenshot i got one more kill, so it did not really show what I mean - but if you substract one kill before multiplying, you'll see what I mean and without rage it would get even worse (-16dmg per Hit).
As you can see, the Shield Spirit gets -13 after the first Hit, while the Stopwatch only got +5. In my opinion it should be the same, as Shield Spirit only activates if a Weapon is used, if I unterstand it correct. Or is it just a bad organisation of my inventory?
Did anybody got a clue whats happening here?
Thanks in advance :)
Thanks sir_puzzle :)
Thats my actual build at lvl. 35 (5 lvls. later than before)
Sadly I only found one forge - which gaves me haste on the knight shield earlier. I'd love to found one ore two with rage:) atm my left jack cleaver got 3 golden whetstones. The regenerative whetstone saved me more than once in this run. Which is, why I'm atm not willing to sacrifice it, until i found one or more forges or better cleavers. I'd rater play a bit slower, than risk to lose this run :p That is also the reason why I sacrificed my belt of knives, cause it just count for the round insteat of the hole fight. Coral also leave several battles before for the third guardian ring. But now, since i've found a hercule it is kinda useless. But i keap it until some better is coming up.
Your Idea with shields and cleavers are good, but my luck seems to have weekend too :p
But anyway thanks again - got to go and punish some more badgers with my cleavers :p
Died on Floor 9 - King with 3 Regen / Turn is some kind of soft lock at some Point, if you cant remove. Got him to like 500hp before he heal more than i could do Dmg. Spike wasn't a problem until Armor Cap 999. Sad i did not got somethink to increase my DMG (just 19 with all 5 cleavers)
But it was fun to play with Bricks :)
Floor 12 Boss Queen Bee's poisen & summoning two Lil Bee's with Curse every two Round killed this beautiful build :(
Maybee Poisen & Curse need some kind of a re-balance? There is no way to counter this, if you did not find any "anti-poisen" like i did.
How about this Idea? The Value of Poisen gets half after each round and curse will deal some percentage Damage instead of increase with every taken curse-dmg.? Just an Idea.
But never the less, thank you very much for this nice game :) Really like it.
Same here. Happend twice to me. First time on floor 2, visit shop, just sell some for space and second time on floor 1 again while leaving the shop. Please try to fix this, as it is kinda "unplayable", unless you did not use the shop atm. And many many thanks for your work :) kinda love this game - lost many hours of my lifetime to it :p