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A member registered Jun 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks I might have to try again with more effort 


not yet known still have alot of work do do.

Thanks true that

(1 edit)

Is this a question?

Thanks, I plan to update sometime this spring. With more maps , cars, and also better optimization

Its should work as shown in the video.

I didn't read the theme is tri angles, lol I guess will do a re do

Here is tutorial, you may have to enable show preview package's

Glad you enjoy, hope to update soon

This isn't a game. It is a project for developers

Thanks , I'm glad you enjoyed. Will be adding a couple new maps. And Optimization this week.

Thank you for the sick gameplay. 

He is from Mixamo

Just purchased the Package , very good work!

Looks very good. Are we able to use for a profitable project?


Thanks, glad you like.

Thanks for the tip

This playthrough is lit!

lol he's a mini boss, gotta out smart him

Hey , glad you played and enjoyed.

Hey which controller are you using? and thanks for the feedback. This was a GameJam game. I may come back to update

Hi i just updated the game, If you would like to try .

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed my work. I'll be making more games coming in the future with more time and effort.

Just played, and my heart did start to pace a bit. Nice work, love to sounds

Hey thanks for the review, and that sounds useful. Ill be sure to check it out!