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A member registered Nov 15, 2019

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I'd say make all tiles 25% wider and use the left (currently empty white) part of the screen to display this additional size. It would improve playability for old chaps like me on GBA micro.

I have a couple of feature requests: Ability to continue the game at least to 16K or so. This would be highly desirable for me, and greatly increase replayability. I see that you have sprites for all up to 8192 although with  "wrong" colors. Second wish is more of nice to have - a wide screen visualisation.

Apparently there was a bug in Everdrive save functionality. By updating to the latest firmware and changing the savetype to SRAM the issue was fixed. I am so happy! Thanks again - GBA deserved a good 2048 port!

No file saved at all on Everdrive GBA Mini. It works fine with EZF Omega. BTW forgot to mention it - really nice an slick interface, I love it!

What type of save is used? I try to play it on Everdrive but have difficulty saving...