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A member registered Oct 17, 2021 · View creator page →

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Fantastic implementation of the theme, very polished and was fun to play!

Impressed how polished this game is, the game play is great and impressed how well it runs in the browser.

wow great game and super polished, love the game play and impressed that the web version plays so well.

Nice game, liked the music and overall very polished! My only suggestion would be to add a bit more variation for the enemies.

Thanks! The sound should work and can be enabled by pressing the speaker on the splash screen (it’s off by default).

There is something super relaxing about this game, nice!

Cute game, I liked the cartoony design and gameplay

Played through again to see the new level, nice!

Thanks! I tried to make it a bit clearer that the emojis that fall down are distractions, they are just other things that can cause you to lose progress.

Nice game! I really like how you incorporated the net for movement.