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A member registered May 26, 2022

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(1 edit)

how can you throw the sword on chromebook you literally have to hold down left click to right click

tomorrow is the 100 day mark as of now aka the point of no updates

fac it guys redfrog either doesnt care or isnt into vore anymore it been 80 days since weve had an update at the time im posting this

hookaloof can you please change it from space to any other key that would make the game playable for chrome 

i did

do you vore the villagers you turn into mice because i collected like 50 mice and my charecter didnt get and chubbier or thiccer

yeah do you have to download for te actual content? my device doesnt really download shit well

oh and maybe potion stacking in the market

i would like to request a few things that ould make this game more... enjoyable~

if every charecter was eatable and digestable... for example the girl who jumps you in the alley  could be implimented with a swap places button same with the sun bather and potion seller, and when you digest people your models breasts grow larger.

there could be  mode were you can turn on and off nipples and private area for your avatar or a mode to horny-ify your avatar.

also actual acid digestion would be AMAZING

thats what im wondering

how the hell am i supposed to click space to progress if it just moves the scroll weel


i wish we could swap places with her and digest her
