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The black screen happened where the monster is walking slowly towards the player. To go in full detail, I was in the corner and it seems that it did not detect me when arriving at the end of the corridor. So it restarted its animation from its initial position. After that my screen went black but I could still here my footsteps and the shotgun sounds so it doesn’t seem like it was supposed to be a “backstory cutscene” like the other ones…

Of course, no worries about going short on time. My game lacks many things because of time constraints ;)

The game is fun and the mouvement is pleasant. Especially the slides ^^

I liked that the timer is simply the storm approaching :D Really liked the music !

Might be cool to have a proper end. Since arriving at the cabin triggered nothing, I had to just close the game.

Well executed game with great atmosphere. The ambience and atmosphere of the horror part are really oppressive. While the cafe part is really cozy.

I got a bug (my screen turn totaly black for no reason) and found that you can walk behind the monster or stay in a corner (must be some collision detection issue). Unfotunatelly, couldn’t reproduce any of those…

Really liked this tower defense ^^

The theme is well incorporated, you can fell the calmness at the begining and before you realise it you find yourself outnumbered by the aliens.

The visuals and sfx go hand in hand. I’d love some music on top of that !