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A member registered Jan 28, 2022

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This game made a lot of improvements from the one you demonstrated in class (the background, the animation and deleting some unnecessary collectible items).  I like the aesthetics, and the animation for running is nice. If there can be an animation for jumping, it would be better. The bgm is beautiful, and I like your trailer and the itch page setting.

From my perspective, I like the sound effect of when the player get damage. However, the assets used between the sea level and other levels don't match so well.  If you can change the asset for the main character, it would be better, I don't realize the player is a boat when I just start the game.

I like the different kinds of enemies, especially the boss fight, which makes the game more playable. The animations of the characters are so detailed. I like the death animation of the enemy.

The minigame is so good with different gameplay mechanics. Killing the enemy and solving the puzzle, these two different tasks just make this game more playable. The sprites are so cute, and I like the color of the enemy, it's a great way to represent them as bugs. 

I like the aesthetic of your game, it's full of mondrian style. The small eyes of the character is so cute. The teleportation idea is so good, and many interesting levels can be made based on it.

(1 edit)

I like this story-telling style game. The player needs to be careful with their every single decision because it will influence the next storylines. However, if  the sprite can be more detailed, the game will be more prefect. 

I really like the aesthetic of this game. The sprites, the fonts and music match each other so well. I like the map system because it can give me a clue about the direction I need to go. The difficulty selection option is useful and players can spend more time on this game, trying different difficulty levels.

The sprites of this game is so cool. The controlment of this game is comfortable. Different backgrounds matches different levels well, and the difficulty of each level just increases reasonably. If you can add more kinds of enemies, it will be greater!

The theme of this game is really great. The sprite of the main character is so cute. The shooting and movement work smoothly. I like the collecting system, but if there are more functions for it, such as changing the weapon, summoning some monsters which can help you or increasing the player speed, this game will be more perfect!

First of all, the sprites are really cute and beautiful, I like the aesthetic of this game. The portal gun is quite unique, and I like the control of this game. The font style really matches the game.

This game is so cool. A cyberpunk kind retro game. The sprite design is really detailed and nice, every movement animation of the ninja is great. The attacking is smooth. The idea of throwing fireball is great, so I can use this skill when I am facing multiple enemies. The UI design is beautiful and understandable.

Great game. The AI for the enemy is really cool, when you enter their detection range, they will follow you until you get out of their sight for some time. And the prisoners generate in different position every time we start the game. This UI design is nice, clean and understandable. While playing this game, the music and enemy reaction gives me a nervous feeling that really matches the theme of this game. 

This is a really great game with different ideas. When I was playing it, it gives me a comfortable feeling that other games(FPS) can't. If you can add the assets to the cook and customers, it will be better!

This game is really great. The background colors matches with different moods well, blue for sad, red for anger... This game is visually attracting, with different kind of min-game in different levels, so players will not be bored with only doing similar operations.

I like the text bubble you guys designed. I like the top-down camera, the right click for moving is just like league of legends. The storyline is attracting and all the assets used match well with the game's theme.