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A member registered Mar 01, 2022

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(2 edits)

Some more bugs found in version 0.926:

1. Taking pictures on macOS causes game crashes. I fixes it by replacing line 76 of file phone/script/phone_Class.rpy with directory = os.path.join(renpy.config.basedir, "game/phone/DCIM/") and creating a directory phone/DCIM in the game directory.

2. Cat ears, glasses, and chokers are not rendered in photos taken by the main character.

3. Sleeves are rendered in the photos taken on the beach.

4. Clothes are rendered in the photos taken by the main character after winning strip card.

5. Randomized NPCs in the women's locker room are rendered with bra and pantsu if the main character is wearing the strange-looking glasses.

Found bugs/typos in version 0.926 (with English translation).

1. Setting the alarm clock causes a game crash. In  line 151 of file tl/english/location/room.rpy, hour_alarm_block should be hour_alarm_clock.

2. In line 11909 and line 11910 of file tl/english/act.rpy, there is a surplus brace following the color markup.

3. In line 4846 of file tl/english/mods/npc_main.rpy, translation is incomplete.

4. When asking a randomized character to show her panties, there is a high possibility that the character is rendered with four hands if she is wearing a sweater.