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A member registered Jul 16, 2023 · View creator page →

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I'm glad you enjoyed playing as much as you did at least, and I'm well aware of the descriptions issue. I tried to lean into pico8's screen size limitation rather than implement an ugly hover text box for everything in the game, but it ended up being a more annoying cryptic rather than an amusing one. While I don't know what specific upgrade you're referring to with Rin, judging from your description, I can take a pretty good guess as to the route you opted for. I couldn't add more content due to the jam restrictions, but a prestige mechanic for ruined save files to make restarting less painful is an idea I've toyed with. Thank you for your feedback, I greatly appreciate it. 

5 different endings, one for each conflict, and two secret endings. That being said, gameplay changes significantly based on which characterization you choose for the hero, and moderately for the rebel.

Yeah, I kind of figured that would be the case. The combination of descriptions being hard on pico8 and balance being difficult between multiple gameplay routes was a poor choice for a game jam. I wanted the routes to be irreversible to better match my interpretation of the theme, but have generally failed at balancing them to maintain enjoyable gameplay. Thanks for the feedback!

Lie is supposed to reduce the base increment. It's more useful on the societal and personal routes, but it multiplies your current number by one hundredth of your increment, I'll look into the runtime error, thank you for bringing it to my attention. It didn't come up in testing, but there are a ton of possible contributing factors, such as a changing multiplier. Could you tell me which Suit you chose?