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A member registered Apr 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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Had a fun time playing it! I wonder what the creative process was like LUL

Honestly amazing job! I'd love to see what else you accomplish :) No big criticisms! I think maybe fleshing out a story that's a bit more easy to understand might go a far way!

I had a lot of fun playing the demo! I really liked what you did with the music transition! I also really loved the design of the flesh monster :)

I'm curious to see how you'll progress the game from here. My one criticism is the final jump scare lacked a bit of punch (at least for me). If you're trying to startle people, maybe try a more impactful sound or perhaps show something running up to us? Besides that, I had a lot of fun :) Keep up the awesome work!

I actually really enjoyed this and hope to see this concept done more in the future :))) Keep up the awesome work!

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I cannot wait wait until this game is fully released! This was an amazing demo well done :)))))))

(2 edits)

Had a lot of fun! I discovered your YouTube channel after my playthrough and decided to throw it into a YouTube video! Excited to see what you do next!!! :)))

Well done on your first game! Short, sweet and gets the spook across :)