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Zotiquest Games

A member registered Mar 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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My pleasure!

(1 edit)

Hi Matt, actually long time ago, last August!

I’ve just resent all the files, try to check also the spam box

Ti hanno quarantinato la pagina… io chiederei spiegazioni a


This is your submission link

give me a valid email to refund you
I am not interested in support from people who cannot contextualize the use of AI for tiny independent authors

I am not hiding anything, it’s common and consolidated pratice to credit the art inside the book.

As for sales, I am not interested at all. If someone wants to give a small contribution for my work, I don’t bite the hand.

But every game I published has 1.000 community copies at launch or shortly after. With my blessing.

Also my games are always published under CC license.

I understand, but you wouldn’t ask that if I had said it was a human work

DALL-E as reported in the credits

I have actually drafted two adventure for this game: a one-shot and a mini campaign. But I don’t have many time at this time to make a well laid out supplement.

Thank you! Feel free to use it as a basis for your games

well, I guess we will go without it then


DALL-E, as credited in the footer

Il mio mercato primario è anglofono. Il mercato italiano non mi ripaga della fatica, quindi traduco e impagino quando ho tempo e voglia

The final version is definitely printable at home, but if you’re still interested the POD will be available next week

Sorry if it was not clear enough in the jam manifesto. To be qualified, your entry must be a one page adventure made around the concept of a derelict. We expect to have a map or a diagram of the adventure site, or at least the keys for each location. Do not submit mini-games with their own rules to make characters or resolve actions

It was never playtested, I couldn’t find anyone interested and I need to do it in my motherlang. In general, Thálassa was poorly received in my country as well. That was a surprise and really disappointing, but nowadays mainstream fantasy is everything anyone wants to play. I really do love classical mythology, but I am not eager to beat a dead horse

“score of 6”

Difficile… purtroppo l’italiano è nemico di questo formato così “stringato”

You can join the Zotiquest discord server, there is a dedicated channel

I can easily make one if there is any interest!

Corretto! Il libro degli incantesimi è in fondo un libro da riempire

Fixed version available

I’ll fix this ASAP

Plerion sì con Solo Starfarer SBE no, non è adatto al solitario

Thank you, fixed now!


Anzi direi che NASAcore è la definizione migliore

Mah… è un termine nato in un contesto molto preciso, quello di Starfield della Bethesda. Per ora non l’ho visto molto usare fuori dal loro subreddit. Preferisco retro hard sci-fi

Appena lo impagino certamente

sì, lapsus

quando sarà il momento sì

Now available as a Web SRD

La bozza è finita, sto aspettando dei feedback

Very soon

That’s totally fine. I’ll send them asap