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A member registered Jan 01, 2022

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Had a great time playing this game. So funny with how short the game was! Thank you again!

Had a fun time playing this game! Super spooky interactions with how the game operates! Thanks again!

DUDE, THIS GAME WAS HARD! I struggled so much the first time until I actually sat down and came up with a plan (which I don't have to do in most games). Great game! Here's my video! Enjoy!

This was an interesting prototype to say the least. Hoping for a full release. Want to see more dances!! LOL

Thanks again for the fun!

FINALLY got around to play this chapter! Can't wait for the next one! You're doing amazing work!

Finally got around to playing the full version of this! You absolutely outdid yourself! Thank you so much for the awesome experience! I hope you guys enjoy my play through of it!

I usually don't get scared that easily from video games but this one had some good jump scares! Thank you for the fun experience!

Jesus this was a lot of fun lol. Really wacky. I loved watching Amanda get mad at me LMAO. Hope you enjoy this edit my friend did!

Great Game Jord! I had a lot of fun doing this! I hope you enjoy this video I did <3

I'm SUPER late posting this to this thread but Ghost... Great game man! I had a lot of fun and featured it on my channel! Can't wait to see more from you!

I can't wait for the full game to come out! I had a lot of fun tryint this out! Thank you so much for the enjoyable time :)

Very.... Interesting Game....

Just recently played Episode 2. Really can't wait for episode 3!!

Glad you liked it! My editor has a fun time poking fun at me! Can't wait to see what else you do with the game!

I had SO MUCH fun with this. It actually felt challenging because I kept getting rolled!!! My editor even put together a montage near the end of this video! Thank you for the fun game!

I played the first episode and it was a lot fun!! Second episode got me really good! Still have to edit it though!

Interesting Enough I guess I missed some crucial content of the game? LOL!! I had fun with it though! might give it a second playthrough.

Super Fun! Lots of laughs!
I did have to get a copyright claim removed but everything else was pretty dope! Good game!!

(1 edit)

As with everyone else here, I thought the game was good for a 20 minute game! Really enjoyed myself! Also, did you program a pity mode into the game? Because I think it got handed to me... LOL. Made a video for it if you're interested in checking it out! Hope you had a good new year!