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A member registered Apr 23, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much!!! ( ╹ω╹ ) I appreciate all your hard work a lot! Coding anything really sounds like a nightmare haha….

(2 edits)

Okay so I may be stupid and doing something wrong, but no matter how many times I try, the text bubble color change doesn't seem to stick? It always reverts to blue (Thank you for the update by the way!! I'm very excited to see what you have changed up and I'm even more excited to eventually read the next chapter you have in development!!! ^_^)

Ah!!!! Yay! <3 Thank you so much!!!

Isn't Dreamwalker on the RO list up there?

I am sooo beyond in love with this. Your writing voice is SPECTACULAR and addicting to read, and your characters are so loveable. I am absolutely head over heels for all of them, as well as how you illustrate the protag...I'm waiting with bated breath for the next chapter. Thank you so much for writing and sharing this, I'll definitely be donating to your Ko-fi! <3