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A member registered May 18, 2021

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Honestly its an amazing game with really simple and easy to grasp mechanics. I just wish there was more levels and bosses because I really wanted to make my loadout perfect. I know one person's opinion may not mean much but I'm just trying to say that if this game was fleshed out given more dungeons maybe add a few more dice kinds like a multidice that lets you place 2-4 dice down at the cost of 1 energy. Adding a shop level to buy certain kinds of dice and then adding a gold dice that gives coins. There could be 4 sided, 8 sided, 10 sided, ect dice. Maybe add a reward like +1 damage, +1 armor up, or +1 heal up to all dice. This may change it from a rougelite to a rougelike instead though. I just can't help but see real and amazing potential in this game. I'm reminded of hollow knight with how everything is a bug and what you use to fight is a nail, I'm reminded of many other rougelike games I enjoy, and I am reminded of all the more difficult games I have played. I apologize if I am being presumptuous by giving suggestions but I just think this game could become a smash hit.