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A member registered Aug 05, 2020

Recent community posts

Thank you so much for this awesome game!! Honestly I could see this game being so much longer!! There is so much here and I finished the game wishing for more!! This is one of my favorite short horror games I've played! I made a YouTube Video of my playthrough. Again, thank you for this creepy experience! 

Hello! I just wanted to thank you for this awesome horror game! I absolutely loved it and I had so much fun playing it! I made a YouTube video of my playthrough, I hope that's okay! I would love to see more games from you in the future! ♥ Bye~

I played your game and I LOVED it!! Super creepy and I loved the PS1-style graphics! SUPER scary and spectacular! Here is my Gameplay! Thank you for making this game!

Hello! A subscriber of mine named AST Annie made an animation out of my candypink playthrough! I just wanted to share it and say thank you again for the awesome game! 

(1 edit)

Hi! I played your game and I LOVED it! 

I made a video of my playthrough! Thank you so much for the cute, totally not creepy,  perfectly normal cooking game!