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A member registered Jan 29, 2019

Recent community posts

I think your game is really good, I've seen that you have already received a lot of feedback like control schema, bugs, etc.

I don't know if someone already said this but I feel like the camera is a bit close, you can't too far away when the enemies start attacking, I think it'd good if you could zoom out the camera a little bit, but that's just my opinion.

Anyway keep the good work man, the sprites, animations and character control feel excellent, you're doing really good!

Also I don't find Schizo offensive at all, but just as you said, at these times on 2023 there's always someone offended by anything you do, so you just keep moving forward.

(1 edit)

this is awesome!
thank you!

i see, thank you!

wow this animations looks very professional, can i ask how do you make these, what software or tools did you use?

I see... thank you!

wow this looks amazing!
Q: What program do you use to make this?