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Sacred Sage

A member registered Apr 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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You can lower music in the settings.

Sorry I missed this reply. Selara is not a harem. Some paths will be a relations with more than 1 girl though.

I imagine extracting the files the same way as on windows.


It is. I have a 4 split path I am working on based on choices. and each of those split slightly as well. XD also I do work full time at my regular job. ^^


Always. ^-^

Lockpicking. :P

It's about half of the prologue ;) im still working on the full prologue

Very little time for sleep. :(

All music can be found in the dedication file. you just have to  open it up in a code program ;) it is not my personal music ^_^

Thanks :D

it went from .44 to 1.0. I list mine as amount of updates. not progress through development

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Decent idea but I can't  add them where they need to be added.

And yes, more than likely you will need a new save.

Well, that solves why there is an error ;) The error is on gamecore side. Whoever uploaded it there. I see this happen a lot. They crunch RB to a smaller size or make it for android or web and it breaks the coding because I use an older version of renpy.

I am not encountering this error when I test it. Try re-downloading from my source. Extract it and play that way this is the first I heard about this. 

No. The last update will be labeled a 1.0.  Dont be fooled by the .42 though. I am not going to have another 58 updates either lol

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The door was originally suppose to be an upgrade. Buy the bathroom to have a random bathroom events with a random girl that lives with you. That got cut. Threesome with Cascade and Lily no. Only one is Vivian and Eve. Future projects will be more focused on this though.

I won't be making a mobile version.

Thank you. It is corrected and will be shown in .42 Version :)

Yes, I have been asked before, and I have no plan on doing that for several reasons. Is it possible? Yes, mostly. The Renpy Version with the coding I have conflict a lot. Getting a newer version of Renpy "might" make it possible. I have no idea, but the code is no longer supported with newer versions so a new headache emerges. 

Your house has a dining room as well.

Np.  :) and I just implemented your idea so in a couple of patches that will go into effect :)

Thanks for the advice theragincajun18 This will begin effect in .40

I'll look into the side girl thing and see if that is possible. You buy eye candies after talking to Vivian at the bar, then go to her room when she is there.

You're good. I told you it was 0.38 prior but my dumb ass forgot to save the changes, but 0.39 it really is fixed. lolol

It was labeled in the patch notes 

NOTE: There is a bug in trying to get in Eve's side room and Summer's room. This is corrected in 0.39

- I thought it was corrected this in this patch but it was 0.39 XD sorry about that guys.

I don't have a mobile download or support it so if there is no way to open console I can't help you. The only other way is to restart. I wish there was a better way but there isn't.

Awesome! Glad it all worked out bud. ^_^

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I need to know what the hint says.

if it says I should talk to Eve, and let her know I am about to talk to Vivian. then use jump setting_up_for_threesome in the console.

if it says I should talk to Eve. She clearly wants to ask me something

then use jump eve_asks_about_visiting_vivian in the console

It's linear.

Haha yeah I took that out in 0.38 next month and also that error is already fixed as well :) I couldn't fix it in this patch because of the transfer.

I am pushing forward a little at a time. So it will get back to normal eventually. Thanks ;)

yeah it's already corrected for next installment.

No just PC.

That tells me you playing a save that is over 6 months old because this was a change I did in patch 0.22.
Open up your console 

"Marcus looks deep in thought. Go talk to him. Then to talk to Eve at the station" -- jump talk_to_marcus_about_eve
'I should talk to Eve, and let her know I am about to talk to Vivian' in Eve's questline -- jump setting_up_for_threesome
"Head to Cuppa Joe, and ask Leah if she wants to study" in Leah story -- jump leah_goes_to_study
"I should talk to Eve. She clearly wants to ask me something." -- jump eve_asks_about_visiting_vivian

Any or all of these will be affected...

roughly every couple of weeks.

Yeah it works for some and others not. Itch app is wonky at best. I tested the links on chrome so thats best way to get download. Nothing I can do about itch's app