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A member registered Jun 22, 2019 · View creator page →

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Really fun and polished game. I was a bit confused at first on why nobody was joining and after reading comments found out it was that i was on the maintenance mode. 

The art was really good and the music was catchy. Gameplay was kinda hard but i like the idea.

Thank you! That was the plan in the beginning but unfortunately didn't have time to add it.

Thank you! I had a lot of bugs which took so much time so i didn't have any left to add music or anything to the options menu haha. I originally planned there to be spots that you would have to avoid but had to strip them due to time. Appreciate the feedback!

What do you mean by it? Is the performance low?

I tested on my pc as well as my laptop and everything seemed ok.

This game was made during a game jam so I'm not surprised if it has spaghetti code.