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A member registered Dec 31, 2022

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Ah yes, capybaraforge back with another goofy ahh horror game that actually got me laughing a bit HAHAHAHA! REALLY ENJOYED THIS ONE!!! KEEP UP THE AMAZING GAMES!!

real goofy short horror game! HAHAHA!

I like how the dude keeps popping out outta nowhere! Also, I feel like there was a little too much reading than the gameplay itself. So, maybe shorten the lore a little more next time? either way, pretty good game if I do say so myself!

The amount of eyeballs I saw definitely spooked me a little bit! Loved the small concept of this game!

loved how quick and goofy this game was! and i love how i was able to predict what was gonna happen in the ending! HAHAHA!

this was quite the interesting game.. the scares were really good!

love watching you create these horror games that comes to your mind.. HAHAHA! Keep them up! would love to see more from you!

scary yet simple horror game with a single jumpscare. LOVE IT!

goofy ahh game! loved it!

this game was a real fun and goofy one to play! that bonus ending got me laughing tho! HAHAHHAHAH! keep up the amazing games Tesseron!

simple and goofy game! really enjoyed it!

another real goofy horror game from you! LOVED IT!! HAHAHAHAHHAHA

this was really fun to play! keep up the awesome games lixian

really goofy and pretty hilarious game! HAHAHHAA. THE JUMPSCARE REALLY GOT ME THOUGH.. 😭

This game is still goofier than ever! 💀😂 epic game!

dayumm, this really terrified me! really enjoyed this one!

this game is still goofier than ever HAHAHAHAHHA

Great game! It would be cool to have a health bar for each boss or entity though. other than that, it's cool!

one of the most hilarious christmas horror games ever.

great horror game! really terrified me but i enjoyed it! HAHAH

great terrifying game! really terrified me but for some reason i had bugs with climbing out of the vent with the boxes, but thats alright, at least i ended up finishing the game!

Awesome horror game, completely terrified me HAHAHA