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Zachary Shah

A member registered Aug 01, 2017 · View creator page →

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I got bored so I speedran all the rooms(including the optional one to the side) and got a time of 3:17, not bad. The glory kills have amazing animation, but I almost never used them because I could just spam shoot much faster. There needs to be a reload. Or at least make glory kills give you invincibility for a few seconds after the attack. and checkpoints!

Sure! The link is:

I never really noticed how hard it was until it was up and running, I definitely plan on making the game easier.

This is super helpful. Weirdly enough I am using rb.movePosition() so i need to look into that

Nice, Its like snake and crossy-road. I am not entirely sure if the power ups were actually helping. Sticks to the theme really well. Congrats!

Hey Gerald, If you dont Mind I would love for you to play my Game jam Game... its a .exe here is the link(