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A member registered 53 days ago

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How do i summon death? What is the order of the numbers for her? I tried 1234, 1324, 4231 and most of those

(1 edit)

Hey i understand what you were trying to say, but not totally. Cuz i tried it like you said, but it didnt let me go further. one reads 5:55 so thats either 5 10 or 5 5 which i dont know how to do, the other reads 2:40 which is 2 4, and the last is 1:35 which is either 1 8 or 1 3 5 which is still impossible cuz that would mean i got 5 different number. I tried both but it didnt work. Does the top candle resemble the 12 or the 1? Cuz if it resembles the 1 it might be the problem for me 

EDIT: wait nvm im so dumb, now i realise what you said lmao

Hey the gallery doesnt unlock for lvl 5 even after i do lvl 5. Is that a bug, or is it just that the level is still in demo?