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A member registered May 27, 2022

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The cheat menu got moved,  I don't know how to access it in the current build.  The actual way I play now which is fun,  is by modifying the base stats of Lona in the files. 

What works for me is 10000 max stamina and 500 max food.  This way food is still relevant,  she isn't constantly hungry,  i don't run out of stamina in one fight,  and Lona can pass out so the game doesn't become soft locked in certain situations. 

There are a few bits of scripting that I understand and you'll need to grasp to edit it. First is that the "cheat" that is activated by button press (for a short while before turning back off) is: a function (a list of commands) that is called (seeked out and activated) by the mod when you press the button associated with it.  You'll have to look at how the lines of commands are organized to find the autoheal function. Next realize that "commenting out" is done by putting a # sign in front of the line of code. Commenting out means you are telling the mod to ignore that line totally, but leaving it in just in case you want to re-enable that line or you are actually just leaving a comment for reference. You can find a few comments in the file already. 

SO: find the autoheal function, comment out what you don't want it to do. For me, I put a # in front of every line except the one about STA which would be for stamina. Of course don't comment out the beginning or the end of the function, just the inner commands that you don't want to happen. Hope this helps get you on your way!

Thank you thank you thank you! I'm a dirty easy mode player that wants to forget about stamina but food/hp/ect I still want to be a problem. I edited the file to suit me and it works great.

I've searched for LonaRPG cheats and the only one I found is the powerful $test=true. However it's too powerful. I've used it to learn a bit how the game works and experiment, but to actually play I only want one cheat: regenerating or infinite stamina. In my research I've found the mod folder and the basic scripts that are already there. I don't know how to script myself and any search for them is fruitless or leads here. 

Can anyone please lead me to a script that deals with stamina, please? Thank you.