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A member registered Jan 08, 2021

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Same :/

Hey, can I ask in which program you do create scenes ?

Yo, can i ask where do you create your characters ? Thanks for hard work. Patiently waiting for 0.5 :)

This game just crashed my feelings and made me think about life. I hate it and love it on same time xD I played dozens of VNs and this is one of the best... well maybe even best i ever played.

Story of all characters is very well written and "kind of" original. I really hate myself now cuz i hated Steph at beggining of the game. And after i got truth i kind of wanted restart game and make different decisions. ( And i hate you for this TOO! :D )

 I realy like Cece. I like how you were able to capture character with so much depression and suicidal problems. It kink of remembered me when I had suicidal problems in my past. You always have to remember that things will get better. And best way to get through them is talk about them with someone. :) 

Lexa's story is very interesting. Cuz sometimes when you are looking/listening to Popstar,Actor.... you dont realize how hard it can be for them.  And that sometimes they would like to be treated like "normal" man/woman. 

Visual side of the game is very good too.  One of the best ones. 

I will patiently waiting for more chapters. And i hope that they will be same quality or even better then those 4 ones. :) You did very good job. Thank you for the game :)... And depression xD