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~Y U U~

A member registered Mar 20, 2022 · View creator page →

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this image is so cute... smiles i wish to protect

why is this world so cruel... such a wonderful man in such an unfair world....

zilas is so vulnerable.... i worry for him a lot. he's a great guy but very easily infuluenced.

I hope your Ramadhan vacation was good. Casper sounds lovely ^^

Congratulations on the script updates too!

1. Ooh this is a very tough one...Guntur (a bbq? matches? im unsure), Arya... maybe something that'd help him escape, and Khalil, maybe something that'd comfort him?

2. Ooh that one is really hard, I can't quite guess.

Thank you, I wish you all the best too


This looks awesome !!

they look really cool

this looks really cool

I wish you a happy Ramadhan too!

It's great hearing how Casper's growing and getting stronger. Very sweet seeing Juno and Casper together as well. That's wonderful news.

Ooh this week's Q&A answers are very cool, Arya works very hard. Guntr being a nighttime cook is quite nice too. XDD Khalil seems to have a very sweet tooth.

I hope you have a good week ahead!

No problem and yes that does sound very handy!!

No problem, they were pretty tough ones. I'm interested to see the results. Thanks, I hope your week was ok too

this is so pretty!

ayy looks cute

looks epic

these look great

Congratulations on the update, and Caspar is adorable. His condo is so cute!

Oof those are very hard questions!!! The only answer I have for 1) are kind of stereotype things like Arya checking his PC, Kahlil browsing hobbyist media and maybe Guntr stargazing/ randomly doing training to his arm muscles XDD

2) is a very tough one! I can't wait to see the answers.

I wish you all the best too, thank you.

Looks cool!!

Aww I see.... I wish Casper a safe recovery and I see!! 

No problem they've been great fun to read thus far. LOL XD They do seem to have very strong characters.

Thank you, I appreciate it. I'm grateful for the wishes too. All the best.

No problem!!! And thank you I'm glad my comments can help

this was a lovely game

Thank u :)

This game is BRILLIANT!!! Chat was so accurate during Zilas' streams that it reminded me of watching the vtuber ones. Having to type the right things to distract from naysayers in chat too was a mood. I felt pretty bad for Zilas in this demo, seems he struggling in quite a few way. The UI is awesome and the art and voice acting is superb.


(1 edit)

I'm glad there's a game for this, doctors really do not bother to diagnose and it's really sad how many trials a person will face until diagnosis. I got the bad ending where the mc sadly was so chronically ill that they lost the ability to do any activity... it was really heartbreaking.

This game is such a mood. Love the character designs, they are impeccable! But yeah the feeling of things losing their sparkle is really relatable, cool concept

This had me cackling XD also the side bar 'rate this ...' had me SHOOk. happy april fools


awesome and congratulations!

Aww adorable puppy. They are so small and tiny... Sending you and Casper my wishes.

Thank you for the mention that was very kind! it was a lot of fun reading how Arya and Khalil would act in the tickling situation; poor Khalil with bruises and Arya with sensitive to touch though... and the jurassic park scenario sounds fun.

Sending you my wishes and awesome news on the updates

whoa that's amazing! very cool details too love the door

Awesome update

No problem and thank you for responding.

I see, that's okay, this definitely can happen. But ouch yeah joint sores can hurt quite a bit. And yeah that is very good advice. Hope the itching eases...

No problem, I'm looking forward to it. Sending you my best wishes

This book was really good, a fun read

This is lovely!!

this is so cool. those lights are so bright and nice!

Sorry to hear you got ill. Wish you all the best in health and awesome job with the updates.

Whoa those question answers were awesome. 'Hell'A Kitty' is such an awesome rebrand name, I love this. It's cool learning more about them all.

1. Something tells me Arya will get extremely irritated in this situation at first and maybe Kahlil too, but they may grow closer to each other after this; but they may clash too.

2.Maybe Arya would win as he's used to working in front of technology for long time, I wonder if Guntur would get bored at some point. Kahlil has very comfy gear that's suitable for a marathon though, so he may win... oof this is a toughie

Thank you :)

No problem and I see that's okay ^^

the lighting and effects are incredible

ooh cool bg