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You know, I never thought I'd create an account on this website with my new computer, and this is the first game I've ever played on a computer with an actual good graphics card because I had a Chromebook before now. Glad this was my first! I appreciate the extensive use of story dialogue, and I find it fascinating to observe the perspectives of both the MC and Gojo. Their playful banter reminds memories of my past chats on, where I have my own bots. I just adore the story direction you chose, the intense erotic scenes, and the music overall! I don't have too much of a problem with certain perspectives. The only gripe that I really have with this game is that I can't really pause it. (It could be on my end since I haven't done it before..)However, I manage to understand the story because I've encountered similar narratives in other games. The illustrations are beautiful, and the soundtrack is amazing. Overall, 9/10 would bang—I mean, play again! (^^)d(^人^) (P.S I'M BUYING IN FULL! DAMN I LOVE IT! I will support all new games you will have the future (^з^)-☆)