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A member registered Oct 02, 2017 · View creator page →

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oh this was such a nice game to play, talking to the magical mannequin was great <3

Super cute and fun! <3

oh i'm 100% down to support this.  i love the protagonist's energy and design, the art is clean and well done  and the way that information is fed through nicely structured dialogue, excited to play the full game!

I'll be very excited to see that haha!

yaaaay~ cute cute cute cute!

thank you thank you!

This, frankly is beautiful,  I personally adore  Franny, i would love to play the full release, this is very exciting!

(1 edit)

this is a fun and cute little game to waste time with, its great and full of funny little quips to make you chuckle, really good job! also the music is simple but quite nice to listen to!

It's a Beautiful Day community · Created a new topic MUSIC

is here any way for me to listen to the music separately? i know you used the korg gadget thingy but i have no idea what it is haha, i think the music is beautiful and extremely relaxing <3

i just finished completely and i agree, some you can see from far off but i did get a few good surprises, i'm so glad this game doesnt have any cheap screamers though, its so well put together!

i played through this game once, not fully, just to the first END, i was ridiculously shocked even though i picked up on the little details i didnt think it'd be so spooky, my question is, since i'm a wimp i'd like to know ahead off time whether or not there are any jump scares, by jumpscares i mean scary stuff popping up and loud noises, thanks!

this is so relaxing, i love watching the little plant do its best!

this game is a piece of art. but i need to know what happened to them all in the future, i need that happiness, i need to know what happened to akarsha!!