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Sarita Sun

A member registered Jan 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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This is really good! I love the start menu of the character!It turns out soooo nice! Also the operation of driving is great! Just the swagging of the character makes me dizzy lol!

haha, I am a heavy Stardew Valley gamer so this one fits my taste! I really like the graphic and the rhythm of the final levels, but I feel like the moving isn't feeling well in the starting level, maybe it's just because of the moving speed?

I like the concept and graphic style of this game. I am personally very interested in the projects presenting the form or experience of "life" so this project catches my eyes. Reminds me that I once went to the museum of the Holocaust in D.C. and there was an exhibition in which they build a little house inside the museum and re-presenting the life of Jews. The audience can walk through and get to know the story of one certain family by observing the rooms. Adding more details would be interesting! 

I just figured that this game is very special since it's got a different way of playing - ball throwing first and casing. I think this makes the game special!

Just played this again and I feel that the moving is so smooth. I Tried several others' work and some of the games can not control the character to the smoothies moving condition but this one feels really comfortable!

I really like the art style of this project, especially the red arrow and the crab claws! It is also a very beautiful view under the water. I think you guys did a great job in doing the health bar and also counting shells!

The graphic  is very cute! - fits  the sound  track.  I like the topic, it is very  daily and friendly  :) A few problems I've  encountered - sometimes  when I jump, I lost control like I might fly  super high haha , might want  to  fix that :)

aHHHHhahhhah I  still  keep dyinggggg lol. But i think it is something like Cuphead I just keep dying and keep trying hahah. I like sound, and the player animation and graphic is very detailed!

So  beautiful! I  love the art style. I think the concept is brilliant and  it makes the game structure so  fun and new to play with! I like your  animation too, everything is  so systematic :)

ohhhhh the graphic style is  sooooo much better! I  love it  and also  the concept! It's so easy to understand and  play with!  The jump is so very  smoooooth! I really like this setup !

I really love this game hahahaha this is sooo fun to play with. I think the build function is such a great idea and that makes the game have such strong "gaming feeling!" I like the art style too :) Very classic and the sound track fits well!

hahhahahahahhahahahha Stardew Valley!

Hahahah the graphics are so my taste! I feel hungry looking at that pizza. I also love the idea of it as incomplete and eat to be complete! Also the idea about jumping into fire! For the future I would like to see if there could be different interactions with other types of food!

Hahahah I like the graphic it's a cool style, especially your use of a floor plan :) Also we have the same cat hahah! I think for the future you can add up the difficulty level and make it a game to really have players trying to "find" socks. For example, you can put the socks under the bed or on top of something so that the player have to get a tool to take it out.

It very nice reading the process and see how you handle yourself through the making of this game. I also agree that the graphic fits very well alone each other. The game function is easy to get and play with, beside what you mentioned about adding more stuff and levels up,I would say it could also have some simple animations, like making the ‘hole’ spin so that it can lead to a stronger universe feeling :)