I'm down for it, let's get the full package: physical game, t-shirt, stickers and virtual hugs <3
Yvens R. Serpa
Creator of
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It has a nice idea, but I had a hard time getting what to do, even after reading more about the game. It might be that you could have used more visual feedback, a variation on the animations and more information on the UI, especially when you try to do something that is not correct (like me trying to add oil to the machine without oil).
Hey, thank you so much for such elaborate feedback.
Thanks for the compliments. Indeed, the theme is a bit stretched with the fish charging towards you (I guess).
Your ideas for pushing the game forward are all very good; thanks for the input. I had this initial idea of going deeper into the ocean as you progress in the game, but I decided not to push it too much in the game jam and get some rest.
Thank you so much for your kind words :) Indeed, the game has quite some easy levels, which are somewhat by design, so you can learn how to play the game without texts or tutorials. I plan on adding and expanding it a bit further later on with more difficult challenges - they take quite some time to design.
Thank you very much. I try to keep the gameplay and mechanics quite simple so I can put a lot of effort into making music, animating, and polishing other stuff. I also try to design the levels in a way that you will (mostly) get what things do by just trying them, and slowly I ramp up the challenge to check how much you've got to understand them or if you need more thinking.