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A member registered Jul 28, 2021

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(1 edit)

this game....IT WAS SO GOODDDDDD

spoiler warning 

i loved all of the routes and the video call feature was *chef's kiss*. i really cannot choose a fav route ;-; i love all of the boys for dif reasons, though i must say that quest's route was the funniest for me. idk why but when his mugshot was revealed i just started laughing cause he was bald sorry quest. nightowl's route was probably the saddest route because we argued and because of his mommy issues. i thought that i was going to get a bad ending ngl( glad i did not tho). the music was excellent and i feel really bad for not being that interested in the webnovel like... im just here for cute boys sorry.  xyx def the funniest character cant wait to come back and play his route! tbh i was really suprised when the bot turned out to be the author, but im glad that everything ended well tho! im a bit confused about how they managed to meet up(quest/nightowl route) when the bot censored personal info. like did the bot let them say the closest airport to them??? either way amazing game and cant wait to see more from u! <3