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A member registered May 09, 2020

Recent community posts

hi! I heard that the developer of this game was helping out the unemployed? Well I would like to apply for some funding too. I've never been able to keep a job because I get headaches really easily. It's also hard to work from home because I constantly get hand cramps and feel like working a 9-5 just isn't me. So I'd really appreciate anything you can hand out. I'm working on starting my own clothing line, Hustlers Ambition. 

In the meantime I downloaded this demo, I never played much video games, speically about fucking chinks in wuhan but decided I'd give this a try. I was appalled by how much this game helped me de-stress by releasing ungodly amounts of cream. I started off just playing to kill time untill you guys sent me funding and their was a part when yaku moki gets her dress pulled down as a prank after prom, I was harder than a rhino. Like a few other reviewers the surprises of underssing the next character and finding a fat chunky cock in her panties just felt unesccesary. anyways, I'm really just writing here to get more info on how to get financial assistance like you did with the last reviewer. let me know please,
