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A member registered Jun 07, 2021

Recent community posts

(1 edit)

Dev released a new post on kickstarter.

About what happened
user avatar KumonosuGameCreator
June 4, 2021
First of all I must apologize for unable to work on the game in the past 6 months. Last year a lot of things happened at the place I live and also to myself. I can't share the detail because I use my real name and passport on kickstarter. Please read this two news report and understand why.
Things are quite tough for me and my family now, I need some time to get back to normal, if that is even possible.
The good news is I am picking up the development again very recently, although I can't work that much on it like before.
I wouldn't give up on the project, this is what I started and I am funded by all of you.
It is also very fun to make game.
I am really sorry that I can't give you any time or date, but even it is bit by bit, I promise I will finish the game.
05 June 2021