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A member registered Nov 12, 2023

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Masterpiece! IGN 10/10

  • "Rune Rat Run" is a stellar example of indie gaming done right. This delightful demo offers a sneak peek into the whimsical world of Ratty and Clippy, characters that are as endearing as they are memorable. With its vibrant, cartoonish art style that harks back to the golden age of animation, the game provides a visual treat that's both nostalgic and refreshingly modern.
  • Every element, from the quirky title screen to the intricate design of the game’s magical book and the map detailing Ratty’s journey, is crafted with a love for detail that’s rare in today’s gaming landscape. The game's interface, with its playful buttons and icons, is intuitive and inviting, ensuring a seamless experience for gamers of all ages.
  • The Level-HoneyFactory stands out with its cleverly designed puzzles and the introduction of magic-casting mechanics, which adds a layer of depth and strategy to the gameplay. The in-game rune system, which spells out ‘DESTRUCTION’ in the demo, hints at the vast array of spells and abilities that await players in the full version.
  • Enn's vision shines through in every aspect of "Rune Rat Run." The game over screen, with Ratty lying defeated yet undeterred, encapsulates the trial-and-error spirit of classic platformers, while the map showing Ratty's home, the honey factory, the circus troupe, and the town tower promises a grand adventure.

 "Rune Rat Run" achieves a perfect score of 10/10 for its impeccable design, charming characters, and the promise of an enchanting adventure. The demo leaves players yearning for more, eagerly anticipating the full game's release. Enn has not just created a game; they've crafted a world that's a joy to explore, filled with potential and heart. "Rune Rat Run" is set to become a beloved classic in the indie game community.