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A member registered Apr 04, 2016

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I wanna play it, but it wont accept any input at all, im using a generic gamepad to which i have emulators to translate it to an xbox controller, doesn't work both ways

Played it ~ I trashed the house so much hahaha figured the how to make stuff through like just jamming them together, fun game ~  you should probably include the Press "E" to interact with cabinets though, If I didn't accidentally press E instead of W I wouldn't have figured out I could open stuff. Gonna Follow you now ~

well, I actually did and I got to the finish screen .. but i got there without doing the quest for the big  bunny (last area) and i went back again but there was no big bunny right from the start I finished without collecting all the origami's (there was only 1 missing) so I wasn't able to discover what those were for but it was a good adventure and I liked it. 

Hi ~ I enjoyed Playing the game but there was a time when I almost completed the stage (with those paper wight) but had to "save and quit" when I came back I was back there and all npc's told me I had done the job but the key and other weights I collected were all lost. What should I do ?