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A member registered Jan 11, 2023

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(6 edits)

Runey, let me preface this by saying I haven't completed the game, you NEED to use the androids model in more sex scenes! She has an *incredibly* beautiful model, especially her form 2.  The new lust mechanic with her is a great addition, but I feel like she STILL needs to be utilized more.

I'm more of an old school fan, I played this game to completion years ago when there was less content. I know that our visions are definitely different, but for me this game will always be a harem simulator. What kept me around for this many years is the hopes that you would continue to add more and more repeatable sex scenes.

Again, and I'm sorry if I'm coming off as entitled here, I would really appreciate this game more if you focused on the fact that we're literally in a harem *fantasy*. More repeatable dungeon scenes, more characters in the dungeon, more lust scenes, more repeatable "interconnected" scenes/threesomes. I love the story, but I love the whole "you're in a harem, go fuck these girls silly" arc better. Feels like in the recent years you haven't really expanded much on that.

A quick edit* What I mean to say is that on replay, when you start new again (I don't mind starting fresh) I notice that there really haven't been any updates to any of that early game loop. It's still the same scenes, granted some of them are in different positions with different outfits but, generally speaking it's all the same as it was years ago. The dungeon scenes haven't been updated, and there hasn't been anyone new added to the dungeon (other than the sisters) - It would be nice to be able to bring slave elves down there if you go that route. There hasn't been any new repeatable sex scenes incorporated into areas like the Lobby, the Kitchen, The Bar, or the Sanctuary. I'm talking mostly early game.. like, I feel that I should be able to have sex with Lin in the hot springs, and I should be able to repeat that and train her to be a mega slut in different areas of the game.  The "sexy apron" was a great addition - add that for more characters, maybe even every character, and make it to where we can "train" these girls in other places. My dream for this game is to be able to take any girl, anywhere, and fuck them. Right now it feels very boring to train these girls in every category, to make them the ultimate whore. I feel like you really need to focus more on how we're able to train these girls, and maybe even give us rewards for when these girls end up being entirely broken. E.g. Ashley is now a buttslut..... Okay???? What did that gain me. 

* N o t h i n g *

No new scene, no new options. Buttslut  might as well not even be in the game.