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A member registered Jan 27, 2022 · View creator page →

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I really loved the art and animation in the game. It looked so polished and all the transitions were smooth. The map function was really cool and loved how each location has specific theme to entertain the player. I also think the UI buttons were very well developed and straight forward so player can easily play this game. Really loved the idea and implementation. Good job!!!

This game reminded of one of those personality tests you can do. I loved the story telling aspect and how there are many different paths you can take and how the back-end of your game analyzes what kind of person you are. The mini games also engaged the player and very interactive. The pixel arts can be more defined but I think it also adds some theme to the game. Great job :))

I liked how you guys added on to the game you originally developed in the last project. So it looked very well developed and polished. I loved the character sprite movement, it added realistic feel to the game. I also liked the enemy slowly fading when it dies and background musics. I felt that the joystick was little bit big compared to everything else in the game but overall gameplay was really smooth and really fun!!

I love the concept of the game and idea of making 3D design with 2D characters. I think it worked really well in general. The glitching of enemy was interesting and fit into the theme. It was very straight forward but liked how levels increased in difficulty. One fun add might be making the enemy able to attack you with unique attacks. But overall I really enjoyed playing this game!!

I love the physics where pressing forwards makes you feel like you are sliding through the snow. I also like the change in animation when you press up button. The checkpoints were good idea to help guide the player through. 

Only thing I would say is that when you jump, it tends to flow off the ground. Maybe fix the physics on that a little bit? But great job!!

I like the text writer in the beginning that explains the story. The background and colors also go really well with the music. One thing I would say is maybe develop a character instead of using just a cylinder to give more of a story? But really love the idea!!

I love the graphic and color of the game. There is an explicit storyline and I feel this engages the user more!!

I love the lighting and background of the game. The enemy character is very well developed I love the motion of characters too. I also just like the idea of dog knight and how you guys have a storyline set up!!

I love the kitchen assets, it fit the mood of the game so perfectly. It was really cute and I also liked the music. Maybe for improvement, you guys can also design the character to have human form to make it more realistic?

I really loved the concept of this game. I also liked how the camera angle was from the top so we can view everything. Solving the puzzles to win the game was also interesting. Good job!

I love the background and the music it fits to the theme really well. The player movement and different animations make the game look more realistic. Love the idea very fun to play!!

I really liked the character and monster sprites and the music. But sometimes the continuous black star background kind of confused me because I wasn't able to follow the player as well? Other than that, real cool game!!

The character and the Halloween theme of the game is very cute. It was very creative to include toilet paper, ghosts, and pumpkin sprites to fit the mood. Maybe for future, you guys can include more obstacles + enemy to increase the difficulty of the game? But really nice work!!

The theme of the game was really clear and loved the animation used. I really enjoyed the feature that player can gain health along the way and UI icon present it to the screen. It made the game look even more polished!!

I really loved the sprite and animations for the obstacle. The theme was very clear and the music fit well with it as well!! For future iteration, maybe you guys can add items to provide extra ability?