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A member registered Jul 09, 2022 · View creator page →

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So excited!!! Thank you for all of your hard work ❤️💖

Same birthday! <3 Super excited for the next chapter, I just found this recently and I'm hooked! Like, if you ever write a book I will buy it no questions asked. lol

Super cool! My doorbell actually rang during so I genuinely got spooked for a second there lol

I have been read for filth, an incredible experience! lol 

Super fun with gorgeous art and now I'm really hungry! lol 

Genuinely sweet and well-crafted game! Cove is so sweet and interesting so I was delighted to see how he grew as the game progressed. I haven't played any of the DLCs yet but I definitely will be coming back to see those eventually. Got me way more emotional than I thought it would too, some really good stuff in here about change and growing up. So good!

This game is amazing! Each character is so good and has a genuinely interesting route, great art, great voice acting, fun plot, cool mechanics, the whole shebang! I honestly find it hard to pick a favorite route since each character was interesting and different. Nightowl was my first though so maybe a bit of bias there. lol, Thanks for making and sharing this!!