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Yellow Egrett

A member registered Dec 23, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

I've got a lot of delight and fun playing this DLC, I was smiling and chuckling almost whole the time :).  All of characters as enchanting as they always are, it was both very entertaining to watch the crew and Oppo's adventures, and very interesting to learn more about them, their past and relationship, getting answers for some question I had had before.  

And of course, it's a special pleasure to finally meet Elizabeth Bennet, June's lizard, by which I was so intrigued:)

So thanks so much to the developers team for their hard work and wonderful games! 

Very nice, meditative game with relaxing soundtrack and not so simple gameplay as it may seems. I really enjoyed while I was playing it, and it was interesting to grow tree higher and higher. I wonder if there is a maximum height (I've got at 292)...