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A member registered Mar 23, 2021

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Just noticed you never fall forever, you just fall to a ground under the map and if your jump is high enough u can get out

Sorry but another thing XD , I think you noticed them but published it for testing anyways, but just in case I'll point them out, when on the side of the map if you jumped pressing forward (left of right depending on which side) you'll go into the wall and fall forever)

Enjoying testing jump mechanics btw :)

And another one :) , when I fell in the hole, I kept felling forever and moving under the map(of course with my character off screen just like when you jump so high).

Ik it's still in development and not polished but I think I should point bugs out because that's the goal of testing :)

Keep on this project, it's a very awesome idea and has so much potential as "recreate any 2d platforming game" because when you nail its basics you could add lots more stuff to it , like custom games and maps creator (like happy wheels per exemple)

I found a weird glitch, when I put gravity to 0(which is dumb ik :) ), I think jump gravity not sure, the character keeps flying, and when trying to change it to another value, he just flies whenever I exit the menu even without me pressing anything.