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A member registered Mar 10, 2022

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I love the somewhat non-euclidean exploration here, though I feel like there could be a lot more done with it. Also there is a fem room but no masc room, which feels wrong to me. Trans men tend to get ignored in media, and this game not having a masc room makes it feel like it's intentionally ignoring them. I'd have also loved a gnc room, or some room that talks about presentation as being separate from identity in a way that isn't drag since drag is sort of like an art form

It would not. Hermaphroditism doesn't exist in humans. There are intersex humans, but not hermaphrodites. Hermaphrodites have both male and female reproductive functions. As far as I'm aware, there have been no confirmed cases of this in humans specifically. Lots of fish and plants are hermaphroditic though!

mai laif hsa ben chanjed :D

Tnahk yuo pangwin