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A member registered Jun 15, 2021

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Wow! All 4 chapters fits in 1 gb?! Great job! The game is very good. 

are you ok? what happened?

does it include chapter 1,  2 and 3?

Publish public version in 10 days after releasing patreon version pleasee? I cant spend online because of my country's local card

Waiting for Public release! its a very good game!

Just try and maybe it works (i cant wait,

You can go to project settings, build options and set to android then build and all done

i would suggest you to try the other game main menu script and redesign the interface

i would like to get an quick test version then raport you every bug found..

Could you export to android without touching it and be released as open beta, best for bug hunting?

Any chance for android?

On android, if i try to get in the game, it works, no crash or anything. If i try to press the buttons, it doesnt work, i dont see any change (compressed one, on full one not working, even i got 12 gb free)