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A member registered 21 days ago

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I like this game

Just finished and it is good

 I just figured it out my settings for my computer were set incorrectly.

Hey there I just wanted to let the developers know that when that my screen sometimes flashes to black on part of my viewing screen . It happens more frequently when I am using the phone on the VN but I think that might some type of visual bug because it does not happen all the time just every once and a while but more when I have the phone up. Just wanted to let you know.

OK I went to your PIXIV  account and followed it, and I was looking through the photos and I saw that they were placeholders about an hour ago so thank you for answering those questions. Sorry.

This is a continuation of my question I know how to increase intelligence but nothing else can I have some help please?

I have a question how do you increased stats?

(3 edits)

Hello this Yarnem here to tell you I have figured it out I just used a different computer I had it works cant wait to try it.  :)