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Yaqoob Isaacs

A member registered Feb 08, 2017 · View creator page →

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Note To Self: There is no draw screen and the exit button has no use when playing in browser.

Great visuals and experience. the end chase really displayed the helplessness of your situation as you have no choice but to try and run for your life. I think adding more puzzles would increase user enjoyment but might change the experience.

There was also a glitch where when I entered the title screen again after playing the game and my cursor was not visible.

Great story telling I am excited to see it finished. I could feel the importance of every decision. Hard to fault.

I would have preferred more choices, i felt I was more watching a story happen rather than driving it forward.

Good narrative and immersion. While I was playing it I forgot that I was doing a task because I was so involved in the game.

I like the added arks, really fills out the game. I also like how the user inputs are returned in text at the end of the subway chain. This makes their choices feel somewhat meaningful.

I enjoyed the challenge of finding the route that allowed me to play games in the end. I would say maybe give the player a larger pay off if they eventually do get to the desired outcome. That way it may feel more rewarding at the end.

Good. It's nice that there is a clear best case scenario and that you have to make a moral choice between helping your niece and being on time. The game comes from wanting to find the perfect ending which is good.