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A member registered Aug 20, 2022 · View creator page →

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Who can tell me how to get a successful ending for Noah, I did everything possible to interact with him, but always failed to reach success: (   This is too torturous, I need help

This reminds me of a comic I saw a while ago, perhaps "The Bed of Death or the Coffin of Sleep", which was also so frightening and fascinating that I was pushed to read it by my own curiosity…………^-^

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This is awesome, and I can't wait for Chapter 1.5 to be released

I'm also curious about why MC needs to wear a necklace, is there any special use for it?

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It gave me a lot of shock, I can't describe its art to me in words at the moment, so charming, so attractive, so scared but can't let me stop! The end3 CG made me watch it over and over again, and it was amazing! I like the conversation with Nick very much. What he gives me is not only a little fear, but also a temptation to run into his trap unconsciously. How do you do it, Nick, who is so charming and so intimidating to me?! damo alone is amazing and I'm really curious to see the full version. Honestly, I really can't wait!!

In addition, I really like neutral protagonists, which gives me a lot of room to imagine what the MC looks like (personally, I prefer the substitution of male protagonists

Morgan is so interesting and lovely that I fell in love with him at once. As a precursor, it enriched the image of Morgan, and let me know why MC went back to psychological counseling. Everything is a plan, ah, so interesting! I really like MC after finding Morgan do hard fight back, and personally like Morgan in the food "pick up" MC home ending, and the true ending, of course, there are a lot of small details to make people happy, Morgan is like hamster, I know for the first time! I really can't describe my love in words(づ。◕ᴗᴗ◕。)づ



This is really a great game experience. If only we could know the conditions required for each ending

wowwwwww~ I can't wait to ask the next story!!!!

玩完之后,我迫不及待地想看看 Morgan 和 MC 是如何互动的

I love the game, Adam's behavior is fascinating, I'm curious about his origins, and I'm excited to see what happens next! But I'm confused about the MC's gender (because "nieces" means girl here), so I wonder if MC's are fixed or if "YOU" is "YOU"? This will change the way I describe MC when making game live