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A member registered Jun 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey man, I should say I did already test out some stuff before I posted that. The videos never show up, even before your first choice. Innocent things like the episode title animations are included, so it's not dependant on path and/or on stated preferences. As for the saves, that glitch happens throughout the game. I tested it before starting one, in the introduction and during a sex scene and the same thing happens.

Fortunately these things do work on a browser of the same device. I just found it weird since usually it's the other way around, where the browser's version doesn't work but the downloaded one does. Certainly an interesting glitch.

Also wanted to say that Grizzly Grove is indeed a great game and I love how free you are in choosing whether to be dom/sub and top/bottom. The characters are also great, and if you're planning on adding anyone close to being a musclebear in this game sometime, know that I'll be very interested.

Thanks for the reply, and have a great day.

I have downloaded the game and all videos do not show up. Images however work fine. It's extra peculiar when I tell you they did show up on my phone's browser. There is an even weirder glitch when trying to save, both when doing it in the application itself and by trying to save it to my disk. Never seen one like it before. 

Hey man, I just tested it out cus I remember thinking the same thing. You know how the sidebar is on top for mobile web? You can move the screen from left to right to read all the text, but that specific not-so-side-anymore-bar has its own little interactive square, which means you have to specifically scroll down on that portion of the screen to see the rest of it. I felt really stupid finding this out after replaying the game countless of times to get where I was before, but I'm glad to say it's there, and you can use it. Hope that helps!

Ah, that's a far greater idea. Good thinking.

Love the game so far. Seriously, it's hard to find good ones of the likes. Looking forward to more updates. :)

Hey man! Think you'll ever make a walkthrough with all the important choices and what they do? Basically what you did above but for the whole game. If you have to do it as a whole, it might seem like a lot of work, but if you update the walkthrough each time you update the game, it could work. (Or you could ask someone to help. I would be willing to, although I have also been very busy lately and might not keep up with every update. Still would love to help, though.)

When I had this with a different game, the problem was that the update created a new map instead of replacing the old one. Go to the place where you downloaded its files and check if that is the case. If it is, make sure to transfer any important files you created after installation (like screenshots and saves, although in this update that has become redundant) to the new map. Delete the old one or put it in a different map Itch won't check as a backup, and your game should work fine again. Tell me how it goes.

Awesome! Thank you :D

Ohh, really? I'll check it out, thanks. :)

Ayo, was wondering if there could be a way to change the text color. I'm really struggling to read the white on light gray, even with the text borders. Probably more of a personal issue, but still would be great if you could manage it. Love the game otherwise :)

Yo, any way to grind or just acquire more thunderite? I have the 20 from the comet

Ah, I read the update logs. Wish I hadn't sold my dark crystals now.

Hey man, love the game. Had one question, though;

Is there a point to giving Hakkon purified crystals? Or is there any reason not to? 

Good to know, thank you Llama

Question, is there a way to get the Sigil Of Triad for ourselves? (The mix of the three moves, not them seperately.)

IT IS!! I didn't expect anyone to recognise it, that's awesome hdiofoititjo

I agree to this one. Hot military daddy sould be m i n e.

(Also, to the creator: love your game. It's perfect. Thank you for making this.)