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A member registered Aug 26, 2019 · View creator page →

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This looks interesting! and the artwork is so nice too. Definitely gonna be keeping an eye on this one ♡

Thank you! If I get the opportunity to play before then , I'll  make sure to share my thoughts about the game. :)

Didn't know this game used PC can't handle it and I'm bummed out cause I really wanna play. Would it be possible to make a version for android? that's the only other device I have.

So ready for this! :D


I'm really excited for Leopolds route <3 Just a couple more days!!!

Omg awesome! 

Just wanted to say that I love this game so much! <3

You had me at 'world penis' :)

This is one of the best free games on for this genre, it's well written and hard to stop reading once you get pulled into the plot and it's many twisty turns and interesting characters which is the mark of a good story in my opinion. <3

I had an absolute blast playing season one and two,  I am definitely looking forward to season 3!  

This looks fun! Can't wait to play it :) 

I'm so looking forward to this <3

I am so READY for this game! ;-;

Cute Game <3 

I wish there was a bit more to the story though, what a tease ;)

WHOO! So excited for this! Been busy since Halloween but I have the time to play now! The game looks amazing <3 

Can't wait to play the finished product! keep up the good work, your games are some of the BEST on Itch.Io <3