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A member registered Jun 15, 2021

Recent community posts

For me, with my poor level in English, that the easier to use of the 3 Nyhur'sHunt.

Tested as solo game.

Really easy to set up without preparation.

Inspiring locations described in a few words making improvisation easy.

Difficulty fairly well balanced, nice walk, cool hunt of interesting enemy for a good price !

 My advice : Go ahead and take on this light-hearted mini-adventure! (And this even if you are bad in English.)

Bonjour Victor,

Je ne sais pas comment vous poster proprement une nouvelle question, donc voilà ... 😵‍💫

Je voulais savoir, comment peut-on acquérir FISHY BUSINESS pour Cy_Borg ?

Sachant que j'ai déjà quasiment tout le Cy_Ber bundle.

Merci d'avance,

Bonne journée !

Currently solo testing as promised.

I will write a report soon, and another in few months after my players played it.

What I can yet say, is that's a nice mix with exploration and opportunities of roleplay phases.

Cool !

J'avoue que je me suis mis à tester tous les scénarios CY_Borg en solo avant de les proposer à mes joueurs et franchement, certains me font prendre de gros pieds.

Celui-ci sera le prochain quand j'aurai fini la campagne Clean Break.

Je te ferai un compte-rendu de mes impressions.

Nice one, thank you !


Could you, please, make more of this ones ?

Your best avatars for Cy_Borg Bograt !

Ah !

Thank you for your answer !

I gonna look at this option too.

I hope to produce stuff for CY_BORG in few months.

Have a good day !

Okay, your confirmation sounds good to me !

My experience is near to zero I confess. 

I am trying Affinity v2 and I will try a Wacom graphic pad.

I would like to begin with a foe for CY_BORG, then a class for CY_BORG too : Unlucky lottery Winner.

Thank you for your answer.


Thank you for your answer whatever ! :)

Have a good day !

Thanks for your advice ! 

I'm downloading the trial version of Affinity Publisher 1.

Yeah, Tunnels in White is totally the kind of things I would like to be able to produce !

I really appreciate things you do !

(All my apologies for my poor english, I'mFrench, and I think that the rest of the world can't imagine how many our educational system make our learning of english 100 percents uneffective !)

Thanks a lot for helping me answering to my question !

Have a good day !


I would like to create contents for games like Liminal Horror and CY_BORG.

Which software not too complex to use, could you recommend ?

 Have a good day !


I would like to create contents for games like Liminal Horror and CY_BORG.

Which software not too complex to use, could you recommend ?

 Have a good day !


I would like to create contents for games like Liminal Horror and CY_BORG.

Which software not too complex to use, could you recommend ?

 Have a good day !


I would like to create contents for games like Liminal Horror and CY_BORG.

Which software not too complex to use, could you recommend ?

 Have a good day !


I would like to create things likeThy Flesh, Transformed (Ashcan Edition).

Which software not too complex can I use to product good content ?

Have a good day !


I would like to create zine or trifold for games as Liminal Horror, 24xx or CY_BORG.

Witch software, not too difficult, can I use to create cool stuffs as your 2100 : Solarpunk ?


J'aimerais produire quelques contenus pour des jeux comme Liminal Horror ou CY_BORG.

Que me conseillez-vous d'utiliser comme logiciel pas trop complexe pour créer des suppléments ayant un joli visuel tel que par exemple votre Clues and Threats ?

Yes, it seems there is a issue with your file ... 😁

C'est cool, merci beaucoup !

Argl ! Contenu hyper tentant, mais visiblement pas téléchargeable !!!


I'd like to make you one suggestion about Hard-Boiled Tech-Noir.

How can I PM you ?
