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A member registered May 10, 2022

Recent community posts

Can you try nerfing the janitor on the underground levels. it's too hard sometimes if u don't have ranged weapons and don't have the Invulnerability skills (Max level is "Get Swole" I forgot the starting name)

you can try deleting the task in the background using the task manager. it works well for me. Another is the game mode ( if you have it ) it's windows + g, though if your pc is outoutdated it probably doesn't have that. close all apps except this. it'll improve the fps. 

if u have a laptop there should be an option in the settings for battery power and another one that is related to performance( I can't find it Right now since I'm too lazy ). 

P.S if u have a laptop and it's overheating try having a small standfan pointed at where the it's overheating. works well for me.

I know there's a cheat button for the combos/the numbers on the bottom left on the screen and for the slow mo. but are there anything else? I remember there was a cheat button for packages or was I dreaming?

no official mobile yet? but I saw an ad of this while playing some other stickman games. it was named "stick it to the stickman" or something like that but with saitama having clothes.

Idk where to comment this but here. 

what are the cheat buttons pls? 

and there's no update since 2021 or did it move to another site or something? I love this game very much .